Monday, 27 February 2012

Has Arvind Kejriwal Said The Ugly Truth?

 Has Arvind Kejriwal Said The Ugly Truth?

Arvind Kejriwal spoke something that is hogging the limelight since yesterday.  Social media also is abuzz with what he said and the reactions of political parties after his comments.  Twitter is also adding a lot of spice to this

In his speech, he said parliament has become a problem rather than a solution.  After the last session of parliament, I feel there is so much truth in what Arvind is saying.  After all, parliament in toto failed to deliver what was promised by none other than our honorable prime minister to the people of this country.  An act which could deter people from doing corruption.  Since then, I have no doubts in my mind that parliament can easily be manipulated by people with vested interests.

Everybody saw how the parliament was completely rigged by someone as unknown and insignificant as Rajniti Prasad Yadav.  Nobody even knew about him before his dishourable act of bravery. (don't want to go into the debate who were his masters)

Those who believe it is a mistake to undermine our parliament should also explain what Rajniti Prasad Yadav did.  Rajniti Prasad tore and threw a bill in front of our prime minister and went scot-free.  Is this a democratic act?  Is he democratic?  Doesn’t it indirectly bring disgrace or disrepute to our parliament.  Therefore someone like me, an average Indian citizen by the way, feels the same like Arvind Kejriwal.  What democracy is this when a single person does not allow to pass the bill.  Why can’t we have a provision to punish these acts.  He and a few men behind him completely wished away the desire of billions to have an effective Lokpal.  This demonstrates lack of accountability from our MPs and indirectly from our parliament.

Massive corruption cases have come forward in the recent past.  The magnitude and frequency of these scams have shocked many like me.  They have brought to the fore the need for an effective body to tackle corruption like a Lokpal.  If we put to rest for a while the stupid argument of BJP Vs Congress’ betterness and think in totality, it is the parliament that has collectively failed to deliver.  Delivery is lacking because it is governed by people with lethargy or malevolence and that is the point Arvind is making.

Parliament represents our democracy.  Few people with power and money are taking advantage of the democratic setup and its loopholes for their own benefit.  In this process, they are manipulating everything including media and distort all the facts and findings that people of this country should know.  Political parties seem to have lost all their ideologies in the way and their sole objective is to gain or stay in power.

Arvind’s statement has many takers today.  In fact, the number has gone up especially after the last session of parliament.

Political parties should clean up their acts and should have some decorum both inside and outside parliament before criticizing Arvind.  They should not give people like Arvind an opportunity to criticize.  If they ignore his voice, then it will echo in large numbers and then what will suffer is our parliament as more and more people will lose faith in it.

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