Monday, 9 January 2012

Congress + BJP - Too Wishful Thinking?

The title of my post itself is self-explanatory that the idea of congress and BJP coming together is very thoughtless and stupid, but hold on….. before you completely write off this thought…. think about those smarty pants who are working sanely inside and outside the parliament, they have run out of ideas too.

This idea is what is the need of the hour, rather than what is feasible or possible.  This idea is a necessity rather than possibility.  We need to think out of the box.

India is at a crossroad of either becoming a superpower of the future, or it can easily lose its way.  The threat of the latter is more evident today.

This thought of two main political parties coming together to form the government is what our parliamentary democracy is all about.  This is what our people (in a larger context) want - stability, reforms moving forward, decision making, and large investments in infrastructure.

India needs a start that we haven’t got in a long time.  We, the people of this country, collectively need to start somewhere.

One song that is relevant in that context is “Lets get it started in here” (Black-eyed peas).  The song too says “get stupid, get started”.

We desperately need to do some stupid things to start with.

After seeing the agile debate in the Rajya Sabha on the Lokpal issue, I believe the lawyers in the parliament always hijack the whole debate by displaying their articulating skills in the parliament, and we start comparing them against each other.  We need someone who can bring forth an idea whether stupid or not, does not matter.

Too much debate has already happened on the circumstances that we find ourselves in - constitution, parliamentary democracy, civil society, who is more corrupt than whom, right or left, but one point is missing and that is how to move forward?

There is really nothing good happening for India right now.  (Cricket not good, economy in shambles, serious global crisis, corruption at the peak, low moral values, and scam-ridden government).  We are stuck at a point for too long.  Therefore we need a starter to start our national engine and move ahead.

I know I am too philosophical and may be impractical here, but this idea could take us somewhere as a nation.

On a lighter note, it has always been the regional parties who take the national parties for a ride; this could give the regional parties something to worry about.  Imagine no pressure from the people like Jayalalitha, Lalu Yadav, or Mamata.

In the past, governments have run on common minimum programs, so it is not completely impossible.

We need to do these crazy stupid things.  I don’t know about others, but I have started doing them already.  I am obese, weighing 95 kg, and have started to jog recently.  Next week hoping to reach 10 km, no matter how slow, but will try to achieve it.  Wish me luck.

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